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mget-help - RE: [mget-help] MGET fishery analyze

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From: "Jason Roberts" <>
To: "'lucas barbedo de freitas'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [mget-help] MGET fishery analyze
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 11:01:18 -0400

Dear Lucas,


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this problem. I believe it is a bug in the matplotlib you installed. The best description I have seen of it is this comment by mdboom.


Do you need to use matplotlib yourself? If not, my suggestion is to uninstall it. MGET includes a copy of matplotlib and will use it so long as you have not installed your own.


If you do need to use matplotlib yourself then you will need to fix this problem, because it affects not only MGET’s use of matplotlib but also your own use of it. From what I can tell from reading the thread above, matplotlib requires the pyparsing module but no longer includes a copy of it, but I read on a different thread that the latest versions of pyparsing, 2.x.x, are no longer compatible with Python 2.x. Therefore, you need to:


1.    Delete, pyparsing.pyc, and pyparsing.pyo from C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib, if any of them exist.


2.    Uninstall your existing stand-alone copy of pyparsing, if it exists (this should remove, pyparsing.pyc, and pyparsing.pyo from C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages, if any of them exist).


3.    Manually install a stand-alone version of pyparsing that is less than 2.0.0. It appears that 1.5.7 is the latest before 2.0.0, and that you can download a windows installation binary from here. You want the one that ends in win32-py2.6.exe.


I hope this helps,




From: lucas barbedo de freitas [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 10:25 AM
Subject: [mget-help] MGET fishery analyze


Good morning, 


I am trying to apply MGET páckeges to aid fishery. But, I didn't obtain suscess.

First i had problems with dateutil and now i have this problem after to re install the matplotlib.

I have a little capture history of C. Hippurs and i want to do a studyabout this dataset using MGET.


You can help me? 



Executing: FisheryPeriodicityAnalyzeCatchInArcGISTable C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\ANEQUM_project\CHyppurus_mget\carta_pesca_Coriphaena_Hyppurus_v4.xls\Plan1$ Desembarque "Captura Kg" # # # # # # # # 400 Lomb-Scargle 4 # # 4 300 10 Automatic 12 Automatic 12 Automatic 24

Start Time: Tue Apr 08 11:04:56 2014

Running script FisheryPeriodicityAnalyzeCatchInArcGISTable...

SoftwareNotInstalledError: This tool requires the Python matplotlib module for the running version of Python (2.6). MGET includes a copy of this module but was unable to import it. This should never happen. Please contact the MGET development team for assistance. Debugging information: the Python statement "import matplotlib" raised ImportError: matplotlib requires pyparsing >= 1.5.6"

<class 'GeoEco.Dependencies.SoftwareNotInstalledError'>: This tool requires the Python matplotlib module for the running version of Python (2.6). MGET includes a copy of this module but was unable to import it. This should never happen. Please contact the MGET development team for assistance. Debugging information: the Python statement "import matplotlib" raised ImportError: matplotlib requires pyparsing >= 1.5.6"

Failed to execute (FisheryPeriodicityAnalyzeCatchInArcGISTable).

Failed at Tue Apr 08 11:05:03 2014 (Elapsed Time: 7,00 seconds)



Oc. Lucas Barbedo de Freitas
Divisão de Sensoriamento Remoto

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