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mget-help - RE: [mget-help] error message troubleshoot

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Subject: Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools (MGET) help

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From: "Jason Roberts" <>
To: "'Lorna'" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: [mget-help] error message troubleshoot
Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 18:01:33 -0400

Dear Lorna,


This sounds like an installation problem. Since you are not sure whether it was every properly working, I suggest you start over with the installation using the latest version. To do that:


1.    Close all ArcGIS programs.


2.    Go to the Windows Control Panel. If Windows Vista or 7, start the Programs and Features icon. If Windows XP, start the Add/Remove Programs icon. (I am not sure what these icons are named in languages other than English.)


3.    Scroll down and find a program that begins with Python 2.5 GeoEco or Python 2.5 Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools. Uninstall it.


4.    Download the latest installation package for MGET from For ArcGIS, it should be the program called MGET-0.8a39.win32-py2.5.exe. Install it.


If that does not work, please let me know. Also let me know whether any other versions of Python are listed in the Windows Control Panel. (Other versions of Python can cause this problem, but I’m not going to explain the details of that unless it is necessary...)


Best regards,




From: Lorna [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 5:51 PM
Subject: [mget-help] error message troubleshoot


Hello Nicholas!

I am running MGET version 0.8a8 within the framework of ArcGIS Desktop Evaluation Edition 9.3.1, including Python 2.5 and Service Pack 2.
It must be a good year ago that I installed the tool (following your online instructions) but never properly used it so far. Well, now I am about to but encounter performance problems. I am trying to convert hdf (or bz2) files, including extracting header etc. But in every process I always get the same error message: 'exeptions.importError': No module named Geo Eco.ArcGIS
Since I just read up that "MGET is implemented in the Python programming language as a package called GeoEco.", this suggests that the package can't be found?
I'm pretty short of time at the moment, so I thought I'd ask you for some indication on where the problem or miscommunication lies and what how it could be fixed. I fI had more time I probably would just start trialling around, uninstall and reinstall things etc... however, right now I would be greatful for some pointers to send me into the right direction. Maybe there is even some incompatibility problem I'm not aware of?

Kind regards,

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